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CRIT Module 3

Prioritizing Officer Mental Health, Wellness, & Resilience


This module discusses topics related to officer mental health and wellness and provides training participants with strategies to support mental wellbeing throughout their career.


This module should be taught by an officer with lived experience in overcoming challenges related to officer mental health and wellness. This could be an officer who is a peer or in a leadership role, depending on if the leader has demonstrated interest and guidance in this topic area or if it’s preferred to have this content delivered by a fellow officer. If possible, it is recommended to invite a representative from an agency wellness program or a licensed mental health practitioner with expertise in police officer mental wellness, as a co-instructor.

If an agency has a police officer peer support program, invite a representative to speak at the conclusion of the module and review available services and resources. This will reinforce strategies and services to overcoming challenges.

Time 50 minutes

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this module, participants should be able to: ​

  1. Describe how stress manifests itself in the body and how it displays in oneself and peers;

  2. Identify risk factors and recognize warning signs of officer suicide;

  3. Identify and use strategies for building officer resilience; and

  4. Access available officer mental health and wellness resources.


Trainer’s Guide

PowerPoint Presentation

Additional Resources


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