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The following products were developed through the Academic Training Initiative and are designed to support law enforcement agencies and communities in the development, implementation, and evaluation of crisis response programs.

Written Resources

Examining Crisis Response: Survey Results from the Largest Municipal Police Agencies in the United States

From August to November 2021, the University of Cincinnati Center for Police Research and Policy surveyed the 70 largest U.S. municipal law enforcement agencies. Of these 70 agencies, 54 (77%) completed a survey on crisis response. The survey measures the prevalence and nature of police training, partnerships, and programs to support crisis response, including innovative practices in responses to people with behavioral health conditions (including mental health and substance use) and intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). This fact sheet presents a snapshot of the overall survey findings.



Best Practice Guide

Responses to People with Behavioral Health Conditions and Developmental Disabilities: A Review of Research on First Responder Models

The Best Practice Guide reviews available research on the delivery and impact of police, behavioral health (BH), disability, and community responses to BH and intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)-related crisis incidents. The chapters of this guide present information on existing response models, identify evidence-informed best practices, and outline key lessons for the development and delivery of crisis response programs designed after these models.

Bureau of Justice Assistance Style Guide

This style guide contains guidelines for content related to criminal justice and behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities, including concepts, terminology, and definitions.

Resources on Developmental Disabilities

This two-page resource describes mental health conditions and developmental disabilities, common behaviors and characteristics, and the differences between mental health conditions and developmental disabilities. 

This two-page resource provides examples of law enforcement encounters with people with developmental disabilities, discusses how understanding more about disabilities leads to safe and effective interactions, and provides examples of possible behaviors of people with developmental disabilities and recommended responses.

This multi-page guide provides insights into the developmental disability community, offers suggestions for successful interactions with people with developmental disabilities, and outlines options for safe and effective deflection and pre-arrest diversion when people with developmental disabilities encounter law enforcement and may be experiencing a crisis or are otherwise in need of services.

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This project was supported by Grant No. 2020-NT-BX-K001 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the SMART Office. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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