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Coordinating CRIT Delivery

Law enforcement agencies should designate a local coordinator to lead the planning and implementation of this training. The coordinator will serve as the central point of contact for all planning activities, including instructor recruitment, site visits, guest speaker coordination, scenario planning, and other training logistics.

Instructor Guide

The Instructor Guide provides resources for local coordinators in the planning and delivery of CRIT. This Guide includes the following sections: 


  • The Introduction provides information on the purpose of CRIT and course development. It also lists the modules and their learning objectives.


  • Using the Instructor Guide provides an overview of the content of the Instructor Guide and guidance on how to prepare for training delivery and includes a list of all videos used in the curriculum. 


  • Getting Ready provides coordinators with detailed guidelines and tools for planning and delivering CRIT. Specifically, it outlines key roles and tasks to complete before the training and includes a Course Preparation Phase Checklist and a Training Set Up and Wrap-Up Checklist. 


  • Trainer Materials and Resources: In this section, instructors will find copies of the materials necessary to deliver the training, including handouts, activity instructions, and additional resources.


  • Participant Materials: In this section, instructors will find the standard items used as participant materials, including the CRIT matrix, agenda, module learning objectives, evaluation materials, and a sample certificate of completion. 


  • Modules: This section includes the Trainer’s Guides for each of the 18 training modules. 


  • References and Resources: In this section, instructors will find the reference list, which contains the sources cited throughout the Instructor Guide, and additional resources listed by module.


Coordinating CRIT Delivery

Trainer Materials

This section provides resources for local trainers to support the delivery of the Crisis Response and Intervention Training (CRIT). 

Local Trainer Materials

To prepare local trainers to teach their assigned module(s), it is recommended to provide them with the following resources:


  • Instructor Guide (Specifically, local trainers should be provided the sections listed below:)

Section 1. Introduction

Section 2. Using the Instructor Guide

Section 4. Trainer Materials & Resources


  • CRIT Matrix


  • Module PowerPoint Slides 


  • CRIT Agenda


Additional trainer materials include: 


  • Activity materials


  • 5, 10, and 15 Minute Increment Cards



Trainer Materials
CRIT Modules

Participant Materials

This section provides materials for the Crisis Response and Intervention Training (CRIT) participants and lists what materials should be included in the Participant Guide. 

The Participant Guide should include the following materials in a folder or binder:


  • CRIT Matrix


  • CRIT Agenda​


  • Module Learning Objectives


  • Module PowerPoint Slides​


Additional participant materials include:


  • Pre- and post- training surveys


  • Knowledge Questionnaire 


  • Sample Certificate of Completion 


  • CRIT Training Binder - Participant Version


  • Handout: SAMHSA's Principles of Recovery


  • Handout: Police-Mental Health Collaboration (PMHC) Toolkit - Essential Elements


Supplemental Materials

Supplemental Materials

This section provides additional resources developed as part of the CRIT Toolkit to support agencies in the planning and delivery of the CRIT curriculum. 

Expanded CRIT Content


In addition to the content created for the 40-hour CRIT curriculum, supplemental modules were developed to provide extra instruction on key topic areas. Agencies can use these modules to support stand-alone, refresher training courses for their officers or incorporate the additional content into the 40-hour curriculum. The Academic Training Initiative is developing additional modules with expanded CRIT content that will be available in the coming months. 


Psychotic Disorders

This module provides additional instruction on psychotic disorders. It builds upon the information presented within CRIT Module 4. Understanding Mental Health Conditions & Mental Illnesses. Participants will be introduced to information on psychosis, the signs and symptoms of psychotic disorders, and considerations for law enforcement when responding to a person who appears to be experiencing psychosis.


Crisis Response and Intervention Training (CRIT): Tips for Trainers


This document integrates adult learning theory to provide trainers with practical tips for training law enforcement and includes specific examples from the CRIT curriculum.


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This project was supported by Grant No. 2020-NT-BX-K001 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the SMART Office. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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